Me and myself…

Hello: *

RO: Azi am avut o zi frumoasa in care am petrecut putin timp cu fetele, la o cafea si o poveste ceva mai lunga si am profitat de vremea frumoasa de afara asa ca m-am plimbat pe stradutele Clujului. Ador sa ma plimb in perioada asta prin Piata Muzeului si prin Piata Unirii si sa admir oamenii si locurile 🙂

Asa ca astazi am abordat un stil casual si lejer in acelasi timp. Mi-am scos noi conversi All Star la lumina si i-am lasat sa ma conduca la o plimbare atat de bine primita.

Va las acum cu tinuta mea si cu implititurile mele super-duper cute facuta de colega mea de camera care e o adevarata artista in ceea ce priveste impletiturile.


EN: Today I had a beautiful day and I spent some time with my girls on a coffe and some gossip like all girls do, and I took advantage of the nice weather so I walked on the lovely streets of Cluj.  I love to walk in this period in the Museum Square and Union Square and admire the people and places near me 🙂

 So today I approached a casual style and casual at the same time. I took out in the light my new converse from All Star and I let them lead my walk that was so well received. I leave you now with my outfit and my super-duper cute braids done by my roommate who is a true artist in what concerns braids 😀

Kisses and wish you a good night :*

Mirror picture :))

PicMonkey CollageSper ca v-a placut si astept feedback din partea voastra :*/Hope you like it and I wait feedback from you :*



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